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Top Five Healthy New Year Resolutions For Your Pet

new years resolutions for pets, dogs, healthy pet tips, petsmile, dog training
The time has come to ring in the new year – and your pet is undoubtedly ready to get in on the action. As you make your own goals to eat better, exercise more and have fun each and every day, you may want to start thinking about the same for your pet. Excellent New Year’s resolutions can help your pet achieve exceptional health and wellness through the coming year and beyond. With a little planning, you can easily set and follow through with a couple of resolutions to the great benefit of your pet. Utilize the following ideas to get started in finding the New Year’s resolutions for your pet that will make 2019 the best year yet.

Got Your Pet's Teeth Cleaned? Now What?

women with cat, pussycat, grey couch, happy healthy cat, snuggle with kitten, healthy kitten teeth
When you bring your pets in to see a veterinary dentist for professional teeth cleaning, you set them up right to enjoy excellent dental health. To retain the benefits of having professional cleaning performed, however, you will need to work toward establishing supportive oral health care routines. You can accomplish this goal by utilizing the best at-home care practices at your disposal. The guide below will assist you in identifying and following the next steps in caring for your pets’ dental health after completing professional teeth cleaning.
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